It goes without saying that being online is essential for all businesses these days. However, that is no longer enough – you can’t just plant yourself online and expect to see results, you must constantly evolve and improve your online assets to remain successful.

A website that doesn’t receive much attention or is left for a long while with no design or content updates won’t only “not help” your business, it will actually have a drastic negative impact, in several ways.

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1. Customers Might Think That You Just Don’t Care

Websites are a key way to send a message to your online customers. Do you have a modern, constantly evolving website with loads of helpful info and features? You’ll probably send the message of being a caring, thoughtful, customer-orientated business.

However, if you leave your website for too long, don’t add any new content and don’t update its design to keep up with current trends, you’ll unfortunately send a message of the exact opposite. Customers will likely see you as a business who don’t care enough to keep their content fresh and who don’t care enough to give their customers the best user experience. That is certainly not an impression you want to leave on your customer base!

Keep your customers’ impressions positive by showing them that you care about their experience. Make sure that your website is easy to use, aesthetically pleasing and loads quickly after every click.

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2. It Will Make Your Business Seem As Though It’s “Stuck In The Past”

Similar to the previous point, your website will give customers a lasting impression of your business, one that you’ll want to be good of course. That is where your website’s design could shape your customers’ entire view of your business.

An old website that looks like it was from 2010 (and might well be if you haven’t changed it!), will make your customers think of your business as old. Today, a website is often the very first time that someone will “see” your business, hence why it’s so crucial to make this a positive experience. If it’s poor, looks outdated and hardly works, people are going to assume the same for your entire business operation.

If you want to maintain an engaged customer base, who enjoy returning to your website and business, you must make sure that your website is up to date, modern and works seamlessly. This includes having design, layout, functionality, speed and responsiveness all improved to make for the ultimate user experience.

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3. SEO Rankings Will Drop

Search Engine Optimisation efforts are what get you found online. Search engines provide a huge chunk (over 80%) of all web traffic, so it’s extremely important that your efforts aren’t blocked in any way.

Unfortunately, rankings now rely heavily on the quality of your website. Your site needs to be fast, mobile-responsive, regularly updated, and contain timely relevant content. So, an old site that doesn’t match up to any of these is going to get pushed to the back of searches, massively reducing your chance at getting traffic and potential new customers.

Securing a good ranking for your business will involve constant work, however it needs a solid foundation – your website. A custom-designed, flawless site will work wonders for your SEO efforts!

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4. It May Harm The Quality Of Your Products/Services

Another major issue that stems from having an old, poorly functioning website is that you may affect how your services or products come across to customers. If your site uses old descriptions that are no longer relevant, or old and poor-quality images then it shows what you offer in a poor light.

Even if it’s not actually the case, and what you offer is of a high quality and standard, the way you show this to customers is crucial. They want to see high quality product images, relevant descriptions that help them decide, and an easy experience when browsing through your catalogue.

Take a look at the images above as an example; the left one is a higher quality image that is readable and allows you to get a good idea of the products. The image on the right is pixelated and doesn’t allow you to read the bottles, or get an idea for what they are, or really how nice they could look. Both of these images are the same size and take the same time to load, yet one will provide infinitely more value to your customers!

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5. You’ll Lose The Trust Of Your Customers

Over 75% of all web users say that they judge the credibility of your business purely on the design of its website. That means that the vast majority of customers are going to decide whether or not they trust shopping or working with you, just based on their first impressions of your website.

What makes this even more important for businesses to focus on, is that 40% of users say that they’ll never return to website or business if they dislike the design, or they found it to be difficult to use and outdated. Your old website could be driving away huge portions of your potential customers, which could have long lasting implications on your business’s success.

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Our Website Design Services

Web Design

A website that has been carefully designed to fit your exact needs and branding will help your business to establish itself online.

A professional website design is one of the most important factors in the success of an online business today.

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Wordpress Websites

Being the most used website builder in the world, WordPress offers a lot to anyone who uses it. Although it can be tricky, our team of experts have years of experience in building stunning, high performance WordPress sites that will become the perfect online home for your business.

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E-Commerce Websites

E-Commerce is one of today’s fastest growing industries. To compete with longstanding businesses, you need a first-class website that’s functional yet aesthetic.

Our experienced team will work with you to create the perfect online store that is entirely coherent with your brand.

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Websites for Businesses

We’ve been building incredible websites for businesses for a decade, it’s our absolute speciality. Before Dan started Webster Digital, he worked at an accountancy practice. While working there and studying accountancy, he picked up valuable insights into business that you won’t find with other website design and marketing agencies.

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Websites for Schools

An updated, vibrant and functional school website shows that you’re a forward-thinking school who care about the way they communicate with students, parents and prospective parents alike.

By building a quality website that works on smartphones, tablets and desktops, it makes clear to all that you are a school who is ready for the future.

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Websites for Charities

As a charity, it’s of paramount importance that every visitor you receive trusts you and is in confident in working with you. The most effective way to do this in 2022 is by having a well-designed and efficient website with a clear message.

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