When you own a website, it has to be hosted somewhere so that all of the files are available on the world wide web. There are many types of hosting, and thousands of hosting providers who can help you do this, but is yours doing its job as well as it could be? It’s often easy to overlook the quality of your hosting because…as long as my website is available on the internet, that’s all that matters…right? As you can tell from the title, that’s not exactly the case, in fact, far from it! So why is good web hosting quality important?

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Faster Response Times


Whenever somebody wants to use your website, they’ll click a link and your page will begin to load. However it only starts to load after the hosting server has received the request and responded – so the response time essentially controls how fast your page can start to load.


Standard hosting can often have response times of up to 1-2 seconds, which in the internet world is incredibly slow! A great website host will have response times of well under 200ms, allowing your site to be much faster on initial load and preventing users from leaving as a result of waiting time.

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Improved Security

Over 30,000 websites are successfully hacked every single day, often stealing customer or company data and destroying the use of the website. Keeping your website safe is paramount, and one of the best ways to do so is with a good quality host.


Different web hosts use different software and security measures in order to protect their sites. Shared hosting servers are considered weak in terms of security, whereas high quality dedicated servers are much more effective at preventing widespread threats. Premium hosting providers will also create network-level firewalls which keep your site protected from attacks, and will carry out frequent, in-depth malware scans.

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good web hosting makes your website more secure

Better Overall Load Speeds

The speed of your entire website is one of the most influential factors when it comes to keeping your users onboard. For every extra second that they have to wait, your conversion rates drop by an average of 4.42%! How can you keep your website lightning fast? You guessed it – better hosting!


Premium dedicated hosting servers are able to serve up each page rapidly and massively reduce the load time versus low quality shared hosts. It’ll help you to provide a better user experience that will result in more conversions and happier customers!

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Less Downtime


Low quality or shared hosting servers are prone to going down – with the high quantity of websites on their shared servers and weaker software, problems are more likely to occur and will result in downtime. Your website stops working and isn’t available to users.


This could cost you valuable sales that you may never be able to recover – after all, 42% users who have a poor website experience will never return! High quality hosting providers have virtually no downtime thanks to their reliable dedicated servers that focus on keeping your website live. Always.

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Improved SEO


Every business wants to rank highly for key search terms that help them to land more customers, but it’s not always that simple. Even if you’ve optimised your pages perfectly for your target keywords, you could still struggle to reach page one without a great host.


Google ranks your site on how well it can provide users with a solution and one of these factors is site speed. As already mentioned, premium hosting can be a massive contributor to faster load and response times, so it can help you rank higher for those all-important keywords.

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Better Support

Isn’t it nice to know you’re in good hands, especially in the unfortunate event that something does go wrong? With poor web hosting services, you often won’t receive any real support. If something goes wrong, or you’d like to change something then you’ve got to sort that out yourself.


Good web hosting providers come with great quality support that can help you with any issues or changes you might need, from technical support to backups of your data and fixes for any disruptions. You’ll be free from the stress of solving complex problems on your own that could make the difference between your site working or crashing!

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you can get more web support if you have good quality web hosting

Web hosting can certainly be an easy piece of the pie to overlook, however it plays a significant role in the health, functionality, and success of your website. Good web hosting can take mediocre performance to a highly converting online storefront that represents your business in all its glory! If you’d like to benefit from improved performance, get in touch with us today. Our dedicated web hosting servers are among the best in the UK and keep your website secure, speedy, and successful at all times.

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improve your website and online business with better website hosting

Our Website Design Services

Web Design

A website that has been carefully designed to fit your exact needs and branding will help your business to establish itself online.

A professional website design is one of the most important factors in the success of an online business today.

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Wordpress Websites

Being the most used website builder in the world, WordPress offers a lot to anyone who uses it. Although it can be tricky, our team of experts have years of experience in building stunning, high performance WordPress sites that will become the perfect online home for your business.

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E-Commerce Websites

E-Commerce is one of today’s fastest growing industries. To compete with longstanding businesses, you need a first-class website that’s functional yet aesthetic.

Our experienced team will work with you to create the perfect online store that is entirely coherent with your brand.

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Websites for Businesses

We’ve been building incredible websites for businesses for a decade, it’s our absolute speciality. Before Dan started Webster Digital, he worked at an accountancy practice. While working there and studying accountancy, he picked up valuable insights into business that you won’t find with other website design and marketing agencies.

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Websites for Schools

An updated, vibrant and functional school website shows that you’re a forward-thinking school who care about the way they communicate with students, parents and prospective parents alike.

By building a quality website that works on smartphones, tablets and desktops, it makes clear to all that you are a school who is ready for the future.

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Websites for Charities

As a charity, it’s of paramount importance that every visitor you receive trusts you and is in confident in working with you. The most effective way to do this in 2022 is by having a well-designed and efficient website with a clear message.

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